Distance Training TAC- Half & Full Marathon Spring 2025

Join our Spring Half & Full Marathon training program to help you reach your race day goals!
Training is easier (and more fun) with friends! With Fleet Feet’s Marathon & Half Marathon Training Program, you’ll find a holistic training plan to help you cross the finish line feeling empowered. Marathon & Half Marathon training isn’t just about logging miles. It’s about learning to challenge yourself incrementally, tackling different types of runs, building strength and making space for rest and recovery. With our training plan, You and your fellow runners will bond as you train, learn and improve together, with plenty of support along the way.
Training plans include: 12-14 weeks of training. This includes five run days a week, two as a group and suggested cross-training days.
Group Runs: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm with a focus on alternating track workouts or hill repeat workouts. Saturdays at 8:00 am for group long runs starting from Fleet Feet Tacoma or Point Defiance.
Pre-run warm-ups and cool-downs at each session.
Coaching: Weekly emails with training plan details and coaching topics that are helpful to both new and returning runners.
An active Facebook page for community engagement and sharing photos. Informational clinics with Physical Therapists and other fitness professionals throughout the season.
We're proud to have an excellent group of mentors—experienced and friendly peer runners who are ready to answer questions, chat on the run, and encourage everyone along the way. All paces are welcome, with a typical range between 7:00-14:00 minutes per mile. To comfortably participate in our program, you should be able to run about four miles for the half marathon training or eight miles for the full marathon training.
If you have questions, please reach out to Coach Bekah Olson at bekah@fleetfeettacoma.com
Race details: https://www.capitalcitymarathon.org/