Spring Speed Series 2019

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Spring Speed Series 2019

What:  8 week speed workout series designed to build your speed & strength to improve your race times from the 5k to Marathon distances.  Participants registered for the entire series will have workout paces set for individual race goal & fitness.  Drop-in participants will have suggested general base paces available as a guide.

When:  Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm from March 20th to May 8th.  Practices should last about an hour.

Where:  Practices will meet at Fleet Feet Sports Athens.

Who:  The runner looking to better their speed & strength to beat that pesky rival or set a new PR and get the most out of their training.

How Much:  $65 for the entire 8-week session or $10 drop-in fee per workout.  If you sign up for the entire session, we'll track your attendance, workout times, and help establish individual workout intervals & race goal times!

Fun Program Details:  Each workout will cover between 2-6 miles depending on your goal race length, fitness level, intervals for the night & group dynamics.

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