Tri 101 2018

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Tri 101 2018

TRI 101 is a beginner's triathlete program! This 16 week program is geared towards the new triathlete covering swim technique, cycling safety and gearing, run technique, transition, nutrition, injury prevention, stretching and more.  It will be a complete training program developed by experienced and certified coaches to guide you to the goal of a sprint distance triathlon (400 meter pool swim, 7 mile bike, 3.1 mile run). Our goal race is the Huntsville Sprint Triathlon on August 11, 2018.  Best of all, this is a welcoming environment, where all paces, ages (16 and above), sizes and experience levels are welcome! YES YOU CAN! 

Required Activity Prior to Start:  

You must be able to walk 1 mile, ability to get across 1 length of a pool (25 yards) with no fear of putting your face in the water and have access to a bike several times a week. This is truly a program for beginners!  You must be at least 16 years of age and understand traffic laws.  Also, you must be a US citizen, due to training sessions that access Redstone Arsenal.  It is imperative that you meet these minimum requirements!

Check out our website here for more details!

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