2021 Fleet Feet Run Club 5K

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2021 Fleet Feet Run Club 5K

Are you looking for a way to start or restart your running? Join our 5K training group for a fun, supportive environment to kick start your health goals. The program is a mix of walking and running.  Run/walk intervals with the goal of longer runs between the walk breaks.

A Zoom information meeting will be held on January 21st, @ 6:30 PM; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84341737470?pwd=L2VFS0ZJeWhoaFBZUW9kZC91SUdaZz09#success

Training dates: January 26th-April 10

Price: $60

This program includes:

$15 Store Credit added to your account

2 group training sessions held on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Saturday at 7:00 AM

Training plans emailed weekly, along with a Facebook page used for updates, group discussions, and positive encouragement


Safety Measures for Fleet Feet Running Club


 Our top priority is the safety of our coaches/mentors, participants, customers and staff.  While Fleet Feet Run Club will look a little different this session, we are working hard to bring you the same quality program we have delivered over the last 7 years.  We will be operating within the Williamson County guidelines for outdoor group meetings.

If you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please STAY HOME.

Participants are required to wear a face-covering before and after your training.  A mask is not required during your training run. 

Maintain a safe distance of 6 ft from others before, during, and after training. 

The groups will be divided into groups of 9 participants, plus a mentor. Please maintain a safe distance of 6ft during your run, allow room for others to pass if needed. 

You are required to bring your own water; we will not have any water coolers out for use. 

Please carry your keys and personal items during your run, we will not have a table or key box available.

Groups are required to meet outside the store.  If you need to use the restroom or would like to purchase an item, please do so individually and wear your mask while inside the store. 

For questions or more information, please email: neal@fleetfeetroundrock.com


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